Children are educated on two fronts at Kahan Shishu Vihar. Children learn their religious education in Kahan Shishu Vihar. Kahan Shishu Vihar religious education institute is situated in Suvrnapuri (Songadh) under virtuous aegis of Vitragi Dev-Shastra-Guru, Pu. Gurudevshree and Pu. Bahenshree. Suvrnapuri has a pious and peaceful ambience, which is very beneficial for the children’s foundation years religious education. We have well experienced management, faculty and support staft at Kahan Shishu Vihar to teach your children. Our facilities, activities, team and admission process is discussed in separate sections. Parents are requested to review them in detail.
Following section briefly summarizes the curriculum taught at Kahan Shishu Vihar: