


Congratulations…!! New students. You have completed a very important milestone of life by securing admission at KSV. We assure you the best of conventional and religious studies. The conventional studies will help you to become a well balanced, ethical and truthful citizen. Conventional education will empower you to earn a justified livelihood. On other hand the religious education and studying closely the lives of enlightened souls like Pu. Gurudevshree and Pu. Bahenshree will motivate you to let go the wrong believes and walk on right and truthful path of religion. This path will relieve you eternally from the pains of life and death.

We are excited to meet you and begin a lifelong relationship with you by shaping your foundation years. The academic year at Kahan Shishu Vihar starts from June and ends in April of each year. The Children get two vacations (winter-Deepavali and summer vacation) during a year. Generally all children visit their parents during these vacations. Our conventional education takes place in a separate school and religious education takes place on campus. The details about education is given in Academics section separately. Children have a busy schedule (daily and annual) that is detailed in Academics section. The academics section also provides detailed syllabus of the education system at Kahan Shishu Vihar. We encourage parents and children to read all the details provided in this website. Following PDF file provide a detailed list of things to bring on the beginning of the new term Feel free to contact one of your School team members for any queries or comments. We are looking forward for your arrival.